onecourse is a comprehensive course for children learning to read, write and become numerate. Children work on tablets through a carefully structured course made up of thousands of engaging activities, games, and stories. onecourse is designed to be adapted into many languages. It was first developed in Chichewa (Malawi) and is now in Swahili (Tanzania), English (International), French (West and Central Africa) and Portuguese (Mozambique).
Alefa is our digital teacher. She guides each child through the course one step at a time, giving constant support and encouragement. She appears on screen herself, or as a pointing hand. For each new activity, she shows ‘how to’ and gives short, simple and clear instructions. Depending on which language she speaks, Alefa’s name changes. In Swahili, she is called Mahira and in English, Anna.
In onecourse, the child works through an ordered set of learning units covering reading, writing, and numeracy. Each is a short interactive activity to teach or provide practice for a particular concept or skill.
onecourse adapts to the individual learning needs of each child, using short diagnostic tests to select material at the right level during each learning session.